Kick start
a strong
media team
Summary of the 1st Media Training: October 26, 2024 Generation Right Now Blessings Network in collaboration with Thailand Media Track
Total attendees: 137 Onsite: 55,
Online: 82 Participants
included: 31 media team leaders,
72 media team members,
and 34 interested individuals
or those without a team.
The training received excellent
feedback. Many churches,
even small ones, gained valuable perspectives and encouragement
to start building teams and
developing people. They were
inspired to make the best use of
available resources to benefit
their churches and reach people
with God’s love through their
church's online media.
Please pray for the next
11 training sessions throughout
May God bless you.
Lives Transformed: God's Work in the University Ministry
The university ministry is thriving as students from various campuses are coming to faith and getting baptized! These powerful testimonies reveal how God is radically transforming their lives!

A Historic Gathering of the Southern Church Region
Bringing together over 500 servants from more than 120 churches to accomplish the vision of "Love Thailand 1-1-1 in Action"
The mission supports Thai churches through voluntary blessings, collaborating with TEC Southern Tour across six regions to foster unity through the strategic plan "Love Thailand 1-1-1" towards the goal of:
10,000 churches
10,000 servants
1 million believers by 2028
April 29 - May 1, 2024, Surat Thani Province
We witnessed collaboration in achieving the Kingdom of God in Thailand. We saw unity in service, with all parties and affiliations joining hands with full strength to ensure the success of God's work.
We saw God's provision through the generous hearts of Thai Christians. Despite increased costs due to higher attendance than budgeted, exceeding 100,000 baht, God provided sufficiently, leaving a surplus to bless the second TEC Southern Tour in the Central Region.

Worshipxmedia training
Bangkok , THAILAND
20 April 2024
"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence."
- Vince Lombardi
On April 20, 2024, the Media Ministry of Generation Right Now Blessings Network, alongside Mahapawn Rangsit Church, hosted a thrilling worship team training and media management event. With special guests Mrs. Eve Chariyamung Watthanat and the Nexus Church, Bangkok team, we sparked inspiration and shared strategies for elevating worship and media for God's glory. Now, we're eagerly anticipating the impact as 66 participants from 15 churches carry this energy back to their own teams, ready to ignite change and spread God's love far and wide!"

27-29 JUNE 2023
Frisbee Clinic : 50 students involved
at Sport School, Tak Province, Thailand.
Frisbee Camp : 77 students involved
at Pob-Pra, Tak Province, Thailand.
Prayed recieved Jesus Christ : 9 students
These activities was organized by our Gen Right Now volunteers who wanted to go back and tell the gospel in their hometown which is in the hill tribe village on the mountain. God has opened the way for us to participate in activities in two schools and shared the love of God. Please pray for the 9 students who have opened their hearts to Jesus Christ that we can follow up with him and they will grow up in faith in God.

สู่นิมิต "love thailand 1-1-1"
ศจ.สุวิทย์ เราเจริญพร
และทีมงานในฐานะผู้ประสานงาน กปพ.
ร่วมงาน กปจ.เพชรบุรี
นมัสการอธิษฐานเผื่อจังหวัดเพชรบุรี ครั้งที่ 6
ณ คริสตจักรพระกิตติคุณสมบูรณ์เพชรบุรี
มีพี่น้องคริสเตียนมาร่วมประมาณ 150 คน
จาก 8 คริสตจักร โดยกรรมการประสานงานคริสตจักร โปรเตสแตนต์ จังหวัด (กปจ.) เพชรบุรี มีเป้าหมายคือ เปิดคริสตจักร ในทุกอำเภอ (ปัจจุบันในเพชรบุรีมี 8 อำเภอ และมีคริสตจักรตั้งขึ้นแล้วใน 5 อำเภอ ) จึงเป็นความตั้งใจที่จะมีการประกาศเพื่อเพิ่มจำนวนคริสเตียนมากขึ้น
to the vision "love thailand 1-1-1
Rev. Suwit Raocharoenphorn
Advisory and Executive Team of Generation Right Now Blessings Network, Co-ordinator of Committee for Evangelism and Church Growth)
Participated in Phetchaburi Provincial Administrative Organization Worship and pray for Phetchaburi Province, the 6th time at the Full Gospel Church, Phetchaburi There were about 150 Christian brothers and sisters in attendance from 8 churches. The Provincial Protestant Church Coordinating Committee (KorPorJor.) Phetchaburi with the goal of planting new churches in every district (currently in Phetchaburi there are 8 districts and there are churches already established in 5 districts), it is the intention to announce to increase the number of Christians.

to the vision "love thailand 1-1-1
August - October 2022
Our Generation Right Now Blessings Network team was a part of organizing the Provincial Protestant Church Coordination Committee, which is a trip to all 6 regions in order to strengthen the cooperation of Christian leaders at the level provinces, regions and country, to see the Love Thailand 1-1-1 vision happen is 10,000 churches, 10,000 leaders and 1 million Thai Christians by 2028.

6 DAYS of
16-21 JUNE 2022
6 Days of miracles from God through serving with Team Arkansas Thank God for the short time that we had to serve along side each other. This is a special team and we had a special time as our university students are excited about God and motivated about serving him
Please pray for
1. Relationship building and following was the student who applied to join the clubs and those who are interested in God.
2. Building and challenging christian university students to become strong leaders in serving in the campus ministry.

18 JUNE 2022
การอบรมกราฟิก มุมกล้อง และการจัดไฟ สำหรับการทำไลฟ์สด ร่วมกับทีมงานอนุชนสภาคริสตจักรฯ โดยให้การอบรมออนไลน์ (ซูม) แก่คริสตจักรต่าง ๆ ทั่วประเทศ
Graphic training, camera angles and lighting for live broadcasting. together with the Youth Council of the Church team By providing online training (Zoom) to various churches across the country.

with FCA
2-9 JUNE 2022
Thankfully to God for the experiences that we have learned from IpohBUG which is a well-known and effective sport ministry team in Malaysia.Learning how to start and to manage a team,skills and techniques that would help us to improve our capacity as good as we can be to glorify the Lord our God.
As we are Partnership with FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletics) that take us the opportunity to be in Sport Ministry Seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We had shared our vision in supporting the Thai Christian National for evangelistic and especially Sky Ultimate that we had started 2 years ago.
By this chance,we have developed and expanded our partnership with many fellows who run in the same ministry in Southeast Asia.We were inspired in doing works for the Lord by new things we have learned.
Please continue to pray for Sky Ultimate Team that we will be able to connect the gospel to people and communities more widely and smooth and also to support Thai local churches to run ministry in disciple making through sports.

Empowering the new generation of the Hmong Hill Tribe youth network
in Mae Sot area,
Tak province.
worship camp
9-10 MAY 2022
An gathering event and training to many churches in the area to encourage them to set up their own worship team by teaching them the meaning of worship, building preparation for worship and roles in the team.
11-13 MAY 2022
Ultimate Frisbee sports training and teaching to build fellowship in youth group, and to use it for evangelism and discipleship.

First Prize Gold Medal Frisbee National Sport disc golf type Congratulations Ms. Jenny Representative of Pathum Thani Province Athletes in the Sport ministry.
47th Thailand National Games
5-25 MARCH 2022
First Prize Gold Medal Frisbee National Games, ultimate open type, female team representing Pathum Thani Province, athletes from the Sport ministry.
Third Prize, Bronze Medal in Frisbee Sports GUTS, Pathum Thani Province representative, Athletes, Sport ministry department.

SUNDAY 6, 13 FEB 2022
2 - 5 pm.
Graphic design for church ministry by Teacher Nan Tharinee Raocharoenporn. Thank God for the fun, friendly atmosphere. and the excitement that every student is being built to become a graphics team in their own local area. Thanks to all students who study hard. Hope that they can build his own local media team to have a quality Christian media team in every province in Thailand,

4th Thailand Ultimate and Guts National Championship 2021
5 - 6 FEB 2022
We got the 9th place in the competition. There were 11 non-Christian from many universities joining our team. Please continue to pray for all of them. May the love of God be at the center of the sky ultimate team. May they see God's love through our team.